In the past year, our ministry has been able to support the work of Jesus Christ locally, regionally, and around the world. Last year brought a great wave of revival in the Black Hills region and beyond.
Here are some highlights from 2021

21-Day Fast and Entrepreneur Breakfast
We started the year by being in fast and prayer for 21 days at the end of which we had a vision to encourage local entrepreneurs and host a monthly breakfast.

Discipleship Class in Spearfish, SD
God expanded our territory by starting ministry work in Spearfish, SD, (located 50 miles from our home base in Rapid City, South Dakota) through weekly discipleship class which began with 10-15 new disciples.

First Night of Miracles Post COVID-19
In April we hosted a night of miracles at the Matthews Opera House with 60 people in attendance reaching a house-full capacity due to Covid-19 restrictions, this was gathering of believers from local church in Spearfish, Belle Fourche and Sundance. It was our much needed, refreshing and renewing first big gathering and fellowship after Covid-19 pandemic.

3-Day Prophetic Healing Conference
In the month of July, we hosted a 3-day prophetic conference with 8 speakers and guests from 15 different states in Rapid City and Spearfish, it was a weekend full of exciting messages, workshops, and prophetic word causing a stir and revival in the Black Hills region.

It’s been an incredible year of experiencing God’s faithfulness and ushering His presence.